Source code for

"""Simple Base for ASGI Apps."""
from __future__ import annotations

from functools import partial
from inspect import isclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Type, Union  # py38

from http_router import PrefixedRoute

from asgi_tools.router import Router

from .errors import ASGIConnectionClosedError, ASGIInvalidMethodError, ASGINotFoundError
from .logs import logger
from .middleware import LifespanMiddleware, StaticFilesMiddleware, parse_response
from .request import Request
from .response import Response, ResponseError
from .utils import iscoroutinefunction, to_awaitable

    import logging
    from pathlib import Path

    from http_router.types import TMethods, TPath

    from .types import (

[docs]class App: """A helper to build ASGI Applications. Features: * Routing * ASGI-Tools :class:`Request`, :class:`Response` * Exception management * Static files * Lifespan events * Simplest middlewares :param debug: Enable debug mode (more logging, raise unhandled exceptions) :type debug: bool, False :param logger: Custom logger for the application :type logger: logging.Logger :param static_url_prefix: A prefix for static files :type static_url_prefix: str, "/static" :param static_folders: A list of folders to look static files :type static_folders: list[str] :param trim_last_slash: Consider "/path" and "/path/" as the same :type trim_last_slash: bool, False """ exception_handlers: Dict[Type[BaseException], TExceptionHandler] def __init__( self, *, debug: bool = False, logger: logging.Logger = logger, static_url_prefix: str = "/static", static_folders: Optional[List[Union[str, Path]]] = None, trim_last_slash: bool = False, ): """Initialize router and lifespan middleware.""" # Register base exception handlers self.exception_handlers = { ASGIConnectionClosedError: to_awaitable(lambda _, __: None), } # Setup routing self.router = Router( trim_last_slash=trim_last_slash, validator=callable, converter=to_awaitable ) # Setup logging self.logger = logger # Setup app self.__app__ = self.__match__ # Setup lifespan self.lifespan = LifespanMiddleware( self.__process__, ignore_errors=not debug, logger=self.logger ) # Enable middleware for static files if static_folders and static_url_prefix: md = StaticFilesMiddleware.setup(folders=static_folders, url_prefix=static_url_prefix) self.middleware(md) # Debug mode self.debug = debug # Handle unknown exceptions if not debug: async def handle_unknown_exception(_: Request, exc: BaseException) -> Response: self.logger.exception(exc) return ResponseError.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR() self.exception_handlers[Exception] = handle_unknown_exception self.internal_middlewares: List = [] async def __call__(self, scope: TASGIScope, receive: TASGIReceive, send: TASGISend) -> None: """Convert the given scope into a request and process.""" await self.lifespan(scope, receive, send) async def __process__(self, scope: TASGIScope, receive: TASGIReceive, send: TASGISend): """Send ASGI messages.""" scope["app"] = self request = Request(scope, receive, send) try: response: Optional[Response] = await self.__app__(request, receive, send) if response is not None: await response(scope, receive, send) # Handle exceptions except BaseException as exc: # noqa: BLE001 for etype in type(exc).mro(): if etype in self.exception_handlers: await parse_response( await self.exception_handlers[etype](request, exc), )(scope, receive, send) break else: if isinstance(exc, Response): await exc(scope, receive, send) else: raise async def __match__( self, request: Request, _: TASGIReceive, send: TASGISend ) -> Optional[Response]: """Find and call a callback, parse a response, handle exceptions.""" scope = request.scope path = f"{ scope.get('root_path', '') }{ scope['path'] }" try: match = self.router(path, scope.get("method", "GET")) except ASGINotFoundError as exc: raise ResponseError.NOT_FOUND() from exc except ASGIInvalidMethodError as exc: raise ResponseError.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED() from exc scope["endpoint"] = scope["path_params"] = {} if match.params is None else match.params response = await # type: ignore[] if scope["type"] == "http": return parse_response(response) # TODO: Do we need to close websockets automatically? # if scope_type == "websocket" send websocket.close return None def __route__(self, router: Router, *prefixes: str, **_) -> "App": """Mount self as a nested application.""" for prefix in prefixes: route = RouteApp(prefix, set(), target=self) router.dynamic.insert(0, route) return self
[docs] def middleware(self, md: TVCallable, *, insert_first: bool = False) -> TVCallable: """Register a middleware.""" # Register as a simple middleware if iscoroutinefunction(md): if md not in self.internal_middlewares: if insert_first: self.internal_middlewares.insert(0, md) else: self.internal_middlewares.append(md) app = self.__match__ for md in reversed(self.internal_middlewares): app = partial(md, app) self.__app__ = app else: self.lifespan.bind(md( return md
[docs] def route(self, *paths: TPath, methods: Optional[TMethods] = None, **opts): """Register a route.""" return self.router.route(*paths, methods=methods, **opts)
[docs] def on_startup(self, fn: Callable) -> None: """Register a startup handler.""" return self.lifespan.on_startup(fn)
[docs] def on_shutdown(self, fn: Callable) -> None: """Register a shutdown handler.""" return self.lifespan.on_shutdown(fn)
[docs] def on_error(self, etype: Type[BaseException]): """Register an exception handler. .. code-block:: @app.on_error(TimeoutError) async def timeout(request, error): return 'Something bad happens' @app.on_error(ResponseError) async def process_http_errors(request, response_error): if response_error.status_code == 404: return render_template('page_not_found.html'), 404 return response_error """ assert isclass(etype), f"Invalid exception type: {etype}" assert issubclass(etype, BaseException), f"Invalid exception type: {etype}" def recorder(handler: TVExceptionHandler) -> TVExceptionHandler: self.exception_handlers[etype] = to_awaitable(handler) return handler return recorder
class RouteApp(PrefixedRoute): """Custom route to submount an application.""" def __init__(self, path: str, methods: Set, target: App): """Create app callable.""" path = path.rstrip("/") def app(request: Request): subrequest = request.__copy__(path=request.path[len(path) :]) return target.__app__(subrequest, request.receive, request.send) super().__init__(path, methods, app)