Source code for asgi_tools.request

"""ASGI-Tools includes a `asgi_tools.Request` class that gives you a nicer interface onto the
incoming request.

from __future__ import annotations

from http import cookies
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, AsyncGenerator, Callable, Dict, Iterator, Optional, Union

from yarl import URL

from ._compat import json_loads
from .constants import DEFAULT_CHARSET
from .errors import ASGIDecodeError
from .forms import read_formdata
from .types import TJSON, TASGIReceive, TASGIScope, TASGISend
from .utils import CIMultiDict, parse_headers, parse_options_header

    from multidict import MultiDict

[docs]class Request(TASGIScope): """Represent a HTTP Request. :param scope: HTTP ASGI Scope :param receive: an asynchronous callable which lets the application receive event messages from the client :param send: an asynchronous callable which lets the application send event messages to the client """ __slots__ = ( "scope", "receive", "send", "_is_read", "_url", "_body", "_form", "_headers", "_media", "_cookies", ) def __init__(self, scope: TASGIScope, receive: TASGIReceive, send: TASGISend): """Create a request based on the given scope.""" self.scope = scope self.receive = receive self.send = send self._is_read: bool = False self._url: Optional[URL] = None self._body: Optional[bytes] = None self._form: Optional[MultiDict] = None self._headers: Optional[CIMultiDict] = None self._media: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None self._cookies: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None def __str__(self) -> str: """Return the request's params.""" scope_type = self.scope["type"] if scope_type == "websocket": return f"{scope_type} {self.path}" return f"{scope_type} {self.method} {self.url.path}" def __repr__(self): """Represent the request.""" return f"<Request {self}>" def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: """Proxy the method to the scope.""" return self.scope[key] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: """Proxy the method to the scope.""" self.scope[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: """Proxy the method to the scope.""" del self.scope[key] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Proxy the method to the scope.""" return iter(self.scope) def __len__(self) -> int: """Proxy the method to the scope.""" return len(self.scope) def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: """Proxy the request's unknown attributes to scope.""" return self.scope[name] def __copy__(self, **mutations) -> Request: """Copy the request to a new one.""" return Request(dict(self.scope, **mutations), self.receive, self.send) @property def url(self) -> URL: """A lazy property that parses the current URL and returns :class:`yarl.URL` object. .. code-block:: python request = Request(scope) assert str(request.url) == '... the full http URL ..' assert request.url.scheme assert assert request.url.query is not None assert request.url.query_string is not None See :py:mod:`yarl` documentation for further reference. """ if self._url is None: scope = self.scope host = self.headers.get("host") if host is None: if "server" in scope: host, port = scope["server"] if port: host = f"{host}:{port}" else: host = "localhost" self._url = host=host, scheme=scope.get("scheme", "http"), encoded=True, path=f"{ scope.get('root_path', '') }{ scope['path'] }", query_string=scope["query_string"].decode(encoding="ascii"), ) return self._url @property def headers(self) -> CIMultiDict: """A lazy property that parses the current scope's headers, decodes them as strings and returns case-insensitive multi-dict :py:class:`multidict.CIMultiDict`. .. code-block:: python request = Request(scope) assert request.headers['content-type'] assert request.headers['authorization'] See :py:mod:`multidict` documentation for futher reference. """ if self._headers is None: self._headers = parse_headers(self.scope["headers"]) return self._headers @property def cookies(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """A lazy property that parses the current scope's cookies and returns a dictionary. .. code-block:: python request = Request(scope) ses = request.cookies.get('session') """ if self._cookies is None: self._cookies = {} cookie = self.headers.get("cookie") if cookie: for chunk in cookie.split(";"): key, _, val = chunk.partition("=") self._cookies[key.strip()] = cookies._unquote(val.strip()) return self._cookies @property def media(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Prepare a media data for the request.""" if self._media is None: conten_type_header = self.headers.get("content-type", "") content_type, opts = parse_options_header(conten_type_header) self._media = dict(opts, content_type=content_type) return self._media @property def charset(self) -> str: """Get an encoding charset for the current scope.""" return"charset", DEFAULT_CHARSET) @property def query(self) -> MultiDict: """A lazy property that parse the current query string and returns it as a :py:class:`multidict.MultiDict`. """ return self.url.query @property def content_type(self) -> str: """Get a content type for the current scope.""" return["content_type"]
[docs] async def stream(self) -> AsyncGenerator: """Stream the request's body. The method provides byte chunks without storing the entire body to memory. Any subsequent calls to :py:meth:`body`, :py:meth:`form`, :py:meth:`json` or :py:meth:`data` will raise an error. .. warning:: You can only read stream once. Second call raises an error. Save a readed stream into a variable if you need. """ if self._is_read: if self._body is None: raise RuntimeError("Stream has been read") # noqa: TRY003 yield self._body else: self._is_read = True message = await self.receive() yield message.get("body", b"") while message.get("more_body"): message = await self.receive() yield message.get("body", b"")
[docs] async def body(self) -> bytes: """Read and return the request's body as bytes. `body = await request.body()` """ if self._body is None: self._body = b"".join([chunk async for chunk in]) return self._body
[docs] async def text(self) -> str: """Read and return the request's body as a string. `text = await request.text()` """ body = await self.body() try: return body.decode(self.charset or DEFAULT_CHARSET) except (LookupError, ValueError) as exc: raise ASGIDecodeError from exc
[docs] async def json(self) -> TJSON: """Read and return the request's body as a JSON. `json = await request.json()` """ try: return json_loads(await self.body()) except (LookupError, ValueError) as exc: raise ASGIDecodeError from exc
[docs] async def form( self, max_size: int = 0, upload_to: Optional[Callable] = None, file_memory_limit: int = 1024 * 1024, ) -> MultiDict: """Read and return the request's multipart formdata as a multidict. The method reads the request's stream stright into memory formdata. Any subsequent calls to :py:meth:`body`, :py:meth:`json` will raise an error. :param max_size: The maximum size of the request body in bytes. :param upload_to: A callable to be used to determine the upload path for files. :param file_memory_limit: The maximum size of the file to be stored in memory in bytes. `formdata = await request.form()` """ if self._form is None: try: self._form = await read_formdata( self, max_size, upload_to, file_memory_limit, ) except (LookupError, ValueError) as exc: raise ASGIDecodeError from exc return self._form
[docs] async def data(self, *, raise_errors: bool = False) -> Union[str, bytes, MultiDict, TJSON]: """The method checks Content-Type Header and parse the request's data automatically. :param raise_errors: Raise an error if the given data is invalid. `data = await` If `raise_errors` is false (by default) and the given data is invalid (ex. invalid json) the request's body would be returned. Returns data from :py:meth:`json` for `application/json`, :py:meth:`form` for `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, `multipart/form-data` and :py:meth:`text` otherwise. """ try: if self.content_type in { "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", }: return await self.form() if self.content_type == "application/json": return await self.json() except ASGIDecodeError: if raise_errors: raise return await self.body() else: return await self.text()