"""ASGI responses."""
from __future__ import annotations
from email.utils import formatdate
from enum import Enum
from functools import partial
from hashlib import md5
from http import HTTPStatus
from http.cookies import SimpleCookie
from mimetypes import guess_type
from pathlib import Path
from stat import S_ISDIR
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, AsyncGenerator, Callable, Mapping, Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import quote, quote_plus
from multidict import MultiDict
from ._compat import FIRST_COMPLETED, aio_stream_file, aio_wait, json_dumps
from .constants import BASE_ENCODING, DEFAULT_CHARSET
from .errors import ASGIConnectionClosedError, ASGIError
from .request import Request
from .types import TASGIMessage, TASGIReceive, TASGIScope, TASGISend
class Response:
"""A base class to make ASGI_ responses.
:param content: A response's body
:type content: str | bytes
:param status_code: An HTTP status code
:type status_code: int
:param headers: A dictionary of HTTP headers
:type headers: dict[str, str]
:param content_type: A string with the content-type
:type content_type: str
:param cookies: An initial dictionary of cookies
:type cookies: dict[str, str]
headers: MultiDict #: Multidict of response's headers
cookies: SimpleCookie
""" Set/Update cookies
* `response.cookies[name] = value` ``str`` -- set a cookie's value
* `response.cookies[name]['path'] = value` ``str`` -- set a cookie's path
* `response.cookies[name]['expires'] = value` ``int`` -- set a cookie's expire
* `response.cookies[name]['domain'] = value` ``str`` -- set a cookie's domain
* `response.cookies[name]['max-age'] = value` ``int`` -- set a cookie's max-age
* `response.cookies[name]['secure'] = value` ``bool``-- is the cookie
should only be sent if request is SSL
* `response.cookies[name]['httponly'] = value` ``bool`` -- is the cookie
should be available through HTTP request only (not from JS)
* `response.cookies[name]['samesite'] = value` ``str`` -- set a cookie's
strategy ('lax'|'strict'|'none')
content_type: Optional[str] = None
status_code: int = HTTPStatus.OK.value
def __init__(
status_code: Optional[int] = None,
content_type: Optional[str] = None,
headers: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None,
cookies: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None,
"""Setup the response."""
self.content = self.process_content(content)
self.headers: MultiDict = MultiDict(headers or {})
self.cookies: SimpleCookie = SimpleCookie(cookies)
if status_code is not None:
self.status_code = status_code
content_type = content_type or self.content_type
if content_type:
and f"{content_type}; charset={DEFAULT_CHARSET}"
or content_type,
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Stringify the response."""
return f"{self.status_code}"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Stringify the response."""
return f"<{ self.__class__.__name__ } '{ self }'>"
async def __call__(self, _, __, send: TASGISend):
"""Behave as an ASGI application."""
self.headers.setdefault("content-length", str(len(self.content)))
await send(self.msg_start())
await send({"type": "http.response.body", "body": self.content})
def process_content(content) -> bytes:
if not isinstance(content, bytes):
return str(content).encode(DEFAULT_CHARSET)
return content
def msg_start(self) -> TASGIMessage:
"""Get ASGI response start message."""
headers = [
(key.encode(BASE_ENCODING), str(val).encode(BASE_ENCODING))
for key, val in self.headers.items()
for cookie in self.cookies.values():
headers = [
(b"set-cookie", cookie.output(header="").strip().encode(BASE_ENCODING)),
return {
"type": "http.response.start",
"status": self.status_code,
"headers": headers,
class ResponseText(Response):
"""A helper to return plain text responses (text/plain)."""
content_type = "text/plain"
class ResponseHTML(Response):
"""A helper to return HTML responses (text/html)."""
content_type = "text/html"
class ResponseJSON(Response):
"""A helper to return JSON responses (application/json).
The class optionally supports `ujson <https://pypi.org/project/ujson/>`_ and `orjson
<https://pypi.org/project/orjson/>`_ JSON libraries. Install one of them to use instead
the standard library.
content_type = "application/json"
def process_content(content) -> bytes:
"""Dumps the given content."""
return json_dumps(content)
class ResponseStream(Response):
"""A helper to stream a response's body.
:param content: An async generator to stream the response's body
:type content: AsyncGenerator
def __init__(self, stream: AsyncGenerator[Any, None], **kwargs):
super().__init__(b"", **kwargs)
self.stream = stream
async def listen_for_disconnect(self, receive: TASGIReceive):
"""Listen for the client has been disconnected."""
while True:
message = await receive()
if message["type"] == "http.disconnect":
async def stream_response(self, send: TASGISend):
"""Stream response content."""
await send(self.msg_start())
async for chunk in self.stream:
await send(
"type": "http.response.body",
"body": self.process_content(chunk),
"more_body": True,
await send({"type": "http.response.body", "body": b""})
async def __call__(self, _, receive, send: TASGISend) -> None:
"""Behave as an ASGI application."""
await aio_wait(
class ResponseSSE(ResponseStream):
"""A helper to stream SSE (server side events).
:param content: An async generator to stream the events
:type content: AsyncGenerator
content_type = "text/event-stream"
def msg_start(self) -> TASGIMessage:
"""Set cache-control header."""
self.headers.setdefault("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
return super().msg_start()
def process_content(chunk) -> bytes:
"""Prepare a chunk from stream generator to send."""
if isinstance(chunk, dict):
chunk = "\n".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in chunk.items())
if not isinstance(chunk, bytes):
chunk = chunk.encode(DEFAULT_CHARSET)
return chunk + b"\n\n"
class ResponseFile(ResponseStream):
"""A helper to stream files as a response body.
:param filepath: The filepath to the file
:type filepath: str | Path
:param chunk_size: Default chunk size (32768)
:type chunk_size: int
:param filename: If set, `Content-Disposition` header will be generated
:type filename: str
:param headers_only: Return only file headers
:type headers_only: bool
def __init__(
filepath: Union[str, Path],
chunk_size: int = 64 * 1024,
filename: Optional[str] = None,
headers_only: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Store filepath to self."""
stat = Path(filepath).stat()
except FileNotFoundError as exc:
raise ASGIError(*exc.args) from exc
if S_ISDIR(stat.st_mode):
raise ASGIError(f"It's a directory: {filepath}") # noqa: TRY003
empty() if headers_only else aio_stream_file(filepath, chunk_size),
headers = self.headers
if filename and "content-disposition" not in headers:
headers["content-disposition"] = f'attachment; filename="{quote(filename)}"'
if "content-type" not in headers:
headers["content-type"] = guess_type(filename or str(filepath))[0] or "text/plain"
headers.setdefault("content-length", str(stat.st_size))
headers.setdefault("last-modified", formatdate(stat.st_mtime, usegmt=True))
etag = str(stat.st_mtime) + "-" + str(stat.st_size)
headers.setdefault("etag", md5(etag.encode()).hexdigest()) # noqa: S324
class ResponseWebSocket(Response):
"""A helper to work with websockets.
:param scope: Request info (ASGI Scope | ASGI-Tools Request)
:type scope: dict
:param receive: ASGI receive function
:param send: ASGI send function
class STATES(Enum):
"""Represent websocket states."""
def __init__(
scope: TASGIScope,
receive: Optional[TASGIReceive] = None,
send: Optional[TASGISend] = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the websocket response."""
if isinstance(scope, Request):
receive, send = scope.receive, scope.send
if not receive or not send:
raise ASGIError("Invalid initialization") # noqa: TRY003
self._receive: TASGIReceive = receive
self._send: TASGISend = send
self.state = self.STATES.CONNECTING
self.partner_state = self.STATES.CONNECTING
async def __call__(self, _, __, send: TASGISend):
"""Close websocket if the response has been returned."""
await send({"type": "websocket.close"})
async def __aenter__(self):
"""Use it as async context manager."""
await self.accept()
return self
async def __aexit__(self, *_):
"""Use it as async context manager."""
await self.close()
def connected(self) -> bool:
"""Check that is the websocket connected."""
return self.state == self.partner_state == self.STATES.CONNECTED
async def _connect(self) -> bool:
"""Wait for connect message."""
if self.partner_state == self.STATES.CONNECTING:
msg = await self._receive()
assert msg.get("type") == "websocket.connect"
self.partner_state = self.STATES.CONNECTED
return self.partner_state == self.STATES.CONNECTED
async def accept(self, **params) -> None:
"""Accept a websocket connection."""
if self.partner_state == self.STATES.CONNECTING:
await self._connect()
await self.send({"type": "websocket.accept", **params})
self.state = self.STATES.CONNECTED
async def close(self, code: int = 1000) -> None:
"""Sent by the application to tell the server to close the connection."""
if self.connected:
await self.send({"type": "websocket.close", "code": code})
self.state = self.STATES.DISCONNECTED
async def send(self, msg: Union[dict, str, bytes], msg_type="websocket.send") -> None:
"""Send the given message to a client."""
if self.state == self.STATES.DISCONNECTED:
raise ASGIConnectionClosedError
if not isinstance(msg, dict):
msg = {"type": msg_type, (isinstance(msg, str) and "text" or "bytes"): msg}
return await self._send(msg)
async def send_json(self, data) -> None:
"""Serialize the given data to JSON and send to a client."""
return await self._send({"type": "websocket.send", "bytes": json_dumps(data)})
async def receive(self, *, raw: bool = False) -> Union[TASGIMessage, str]:
"""Receive messages from a client.
:param raw: Receive messages as is.
if self.partner_state == self.STATES.DISCONNECTED:
raise ASGIConnectionClosedError
if self.partner_state == self.STATES.CONNECTING:
await self._connect()
return await self.receive(raw=raw)
msg = await self._receive()
if msg["type"] == "websocket.disconnect":
self.partner_state = self.STATES.DISCONNECTED
return msg if raw else parse_websocket_msg(msg, charset=DEFAULT_CHARSET)
class ResponseRedirect(Response, BaseException):
"""A helper to return HTTP redirects. Uses a 307 status code by default.
:param url: A string with the new location
:type url: str
status_code: int = HTTPStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT.value
def __init__(self, url: str, status_code: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Set status code and prepare location."""
super().__init__(b"", status_code=status_code, **kwargs)
assert (
300 <= self.status_code < 400
), f"Invalid status code for redirection: {self.status_code}"
self.headers["location"] = quote_plus(url, safe=":/%#?&=@[]!$&'()*+,;")
class ResponseErrorMeta(type):
"""Generate Response Errors by HTTP names."""
# TODO: From python 3.9 -> partial['ResponseError]
def __getattr__(cls, name: str) -> Callable[..., ResponseError]:
"""Generate Response Errors by HTTP names."""
status = HTTPStatus[name]
return partial(
lambda *args, **kwargs: cls(*args, **kwargs),
class ResponseError(Response, BaseException, metaclass=ResponseErrorMeta):
"""A helper to return HTTP errors. Uses a 500 status code by default.
:param message: A string with the error's message (HTTPStatus messages will be used by default)
:type message: str
You able to use :py:class:`http.HTTPStatus` properties with the `ResponseError` class
.. code-block:: python
response = ResponseError.BAD_REQUEST('invalid data')
response = ResponseError.NOT_FOUND()
response = ResponseError.BAD_GATEWAY()
# and etc
status_code: int = HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.value
# Typing annotations
BAD_REQUEST: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 400
UNAUTHORIZED: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 401
PAYMENT_REQUIRED: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 402
FORBIDDEN: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 403
NOT_FOUND: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 404
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 405
NOT_ACCEPTABLE: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 406
PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 407
REQUEST_TIMEOUT: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 408
CONFLICT: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 409
GONE: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 410
LENGTH_REQUIRED: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 411
PRECONDITION_FAILED: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 412
REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 413
REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 414
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 415
REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 416
EXPECTATION_FAILED: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 417
# TODO: From python 3.9
# IM_A_TEAPOT: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 418
# MISDIRECTED_REQUEST: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 421
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 422
LOCKED: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 423
FAILED_DEPENDENCY: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 424
TOO_EARLY: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 425
UPGRADE_REQUIRED: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 426
PRECONDITION_REQUIRED: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 428
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 429
REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 431
# TODO: From python 3.9
# UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 451
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 500
NOT_IMPLEMENTED: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 501
BAD_GATEWAY: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 502
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 503
GATEWAY_TIMEOUT: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 504
HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 505
VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 506
INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 507
LOOP_DETECTED: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 508
NOT_EXTENDED: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 510
NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED: Callable[..., ResponseError] # 511
def __init__(self, message=None, status_code: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs):
"""Check error status."""
content = message or HTTPStatus(status_code or self.status_code).description
super().__init__(content=content, status_code=status_code, **kwargs)
assert self.status_code >= 400, f"Invalid status code for an error: {self.status_code}"
CAST_RESPONSE: Mapping[type, type[Response]] = {
bool: ResponseJSON,
bytes: ResponseHTML,
dict: ResponseJSON,
int: ResponseJSON,
list: ResponseJSON,
str: ResponseHTML,
type(None): ResponseJSON,
def parse_response(response, headers: Optional[dict] = None) -> Response:
"""Parse the given object and convert it into a asgi_tools.Response."""
if isinstance(response, Response):
return response
rtype = type(response)
response_type = CAST_RESPONSE.get(rtype)
if response_type:
return response_type(response, headers=headers)
if rtype is tuple:
status, *contents = response
assert isinstance(status, int), "Invalid Response Status"
if len(contents) > 1:
headers, *contents = contents
response = parse_response(
contents[0] or "" if contents else "",
response.status_code = status
return response
return ResponseText(str(response), headers=headers)
def parse_websocket_msg(
msg: TASGIMessage, charset: Optional[str] = None
) -> Union[TASGIMessage, str]:
"""Prepare websocket message."""
data = msg.get("text")
if data:
return data
data = msg.get("bytes")
if data:
return data.decode(charset)
return msg
async def empty():
yield b""
# ruff: noqa: ERA001